Our offer includes complex training programs…
- UPSTREAM – Oil and gas exploration and production
Complex training devoted to the technological aspect and economics of the following processes:
- Exploration of oil and gas deposits
- Production and processing of oil and gas
- Logistics of extracted hydrocarbons
- Organisation and evaluation of E&P projects
- Unique character of E&P sector in countries which are potential investment targets
The basic version is divided into 6 modules (3 days x 7-8 hours):
lp. Module Time 1. The history of crude oil and gas Industrial measures and terminology 0:30 hours 2. Oil and Gas exploration 7 hours 3. Oil and Gas production 7 hours 4. Economics of oil and gas exploration and production 5 hours 5. E&P sector description on target markets (two countries) 2:30 hours 6. Natural gas – the specificity of E&P 2 hours Total: 24 hours It is possible to adjust the scope and time of the training to individual needs of a client.
The training is addressed to:
Manager staff of oil concerns and companies, representatives of ministries and government departments and agencies in charge of energy policy, private equity managers, private investors interested in investing in the Oil&Gas sector.
- DOWNSTREAM – Crude oil processing, logistics, wholesale and retail trade of fuels and other petroleum products.
Complex training devoted to the technological aspect and economics of the following processes:
- crude oil processing
- logistics of refinery products
- wholesale trade of refinery products
- retail trade of refinery products
- economics and management of refinery business
The basic version is divided into 5 modules (3 days x 7-8 hours):
lp. Module Time 1. Crude oil refining – processes and products 8 hours 2. Product logistics 1:30 hours 3. Wholesale trade 2:30 hours 4. Economics and management of refinery 4 hours 5. Retail trade 8 hours Total: 24 hours It is possible to adjust the scope and time of the training to individual needs of a client.
The training is addressed to:
Manager staff of oil concerns and companies, representatives of ministries and government departments and agencies in charge of energy policy, private equity managers, private investors interested in investing in the Oil&Gas sector.
- Exploration, production, logistics,
trade and industrial applications of natural gas
Complex training devoted to the technological aspect and economics of the following processes:
- exploration of gas deposits
- gas production and processing
- transportation and storage of extracted hydrocarbons
- gas trading and distribution
- industrial application of natural gas
- strategic gas supply at a company level
- description of the natural gas sector in Poland and on leading international markets
The basic version is devided into 13 modules (3 days x 7-8 hours):
lp. Module Time 1. The history of natural gas. Industrial measures and terminology.
Natural gas value chain.30 mins 2. Natural gas exploration 2 hours 3. Natural gas production 2 hours 4. Natural gas processing 1 hour 5. Natural gas logistics 2 hours 6. Natural gas trading 2 hours 7. Distribution of natural gas to end users 1 hour 8. Industrial application of natural gas 2 hours 9. Natural gas economics 2 hours 10. Strategic goals of a company-level gas supply 2 hours 11. International gas markets 2 hours 12. Gas market in Poland 2 hours 13. The activities of the European Commission and professional organizations 3:30 hours Total: 20-24 hours. It is possible to adjust the scope and time of the training to individual needs of a client.
The training is addressed/directed to:
Manager staff of oil concerns and companies, representatives of ministries and government departments and agencies in charge of energy policy, private equity managers, private investors interested in investing in the Oil&Gas sector.
…trainings concerning selected Oil&Gas and strategic management issues:
- Underground gas storages
– the role and importance for the modern gas system
A one-day training covering the following topics:
What is an underground gas storage (UGS) ?
UGS types; UGS for LNG; New technologies;
R&D projects in UGS; UGS terminology and measures.The role of underground gas storages for the gas system.
Operational functions of UGS; The role of UGS in the process of market liberalization.EU regulations regarding underground gas storages.
II Gas Directive; Third Part Access (TPA);
Current situation; How to gain access to UGS within the EU?Economics of underground gas storage.
Investment costs; Operational costs; UGS costs vs. LNG costs;
Prices and tariffs of UGS services; Cost and tariff trends.Underground gas storages in the world.
USA; UGS and energetic safety in the European Union;
FSU – Gazprom initiatives in the EU; Asia.Underground gas storages in Poland.
Market structure; Available capacity; Investments;
UGS and introduction of regulations regarding strategic reserves.How to build an underground gas storage?
Available technologies; possible locations; Construction stages;
Forecasted capex and costs; Financing.Building competitive advantage based on underground gas storage.
The training is addressed to:
Manager staff of oil concerns and companies, representatives of ministries and government departments and agencies in charge of energy policy, private equity managers, private investors interested in investing in the Oil&Gas sector.
- LNG investment projects – the actual state and the future
A one-day training covering the following topics:
Gas sector measures and terminology.
What is LNG?LNG complex project
Upstream. Gas liquefaction. Sea transport. LNG regasification.LNG safety
Economics of LNG projects
LNG project typology. Investment costs. Operational costs. Financing.LNG projects in the world
LNG production centres. Receiving terminals. LNG supply and demand forecasts.LNG projects in Poland.
Source of supply – LNG “big’ vs. “small” import. Local project related to liquefied gas.The training is addressed to:
Manager staff of oil concerns and companies, representatives of ministries and government departments and agencies in charge of energy policy, private equity managers, private investors interested in investing in the Oil&Gas sector.
Upcoming trainings:
- Gas-to-Liquids technology – development opportunities and risks
- Project management in the area of oil and gas exploration and production
- Balanced Scorecard implementation in the Oil&Gas and Petrochemicals
- Strategic management of a refinery
- Private equity funds in the Oil&Gas sector
- Creativity and innovation management
- Technology transfer management
- Innovation and R&D project management
- Searching for modern Technologies – effective methods
- Corporate technology investments
Comprehensive training programs have been prepared for each section.
Seminars are based on modules taking together a sequence of detailed issues.